Example Field Team Safety Plan (template)
The link below provides an editable template (MS Word format) that field teams can use to create a Field Safety Guide with the following major elements:
1. Preface: comments on fieldwork, psychological safety, and risks (e.g. "normalization of deviance").
2. Summary of team structure (to be filled in).
3. General expectations for conduct.
4. Reporting options, obligations, and procedures.
5. Space to add names of assigned safety coordinators at multiple seniority levels.
6. Space to add names of points of contact (back home) for each participating organization to be contacted if there are problems.
7. Space for every participant to sign and date.
8. Appendix on bystander intervention.
9. Appendix on implicit bias training.
9. Appendix encouraging a post-field participant survey (to be filled in).
Link to template:

USGS SEES program
The facilitators of PEERS bystander training have been trained by the USGS SEES program. To learn more about the SEES process, click here.

ADVANCEGeo Partnership
The Earth Science Women's Network, Association for Women Geoscientists and the American Geophysical Union are partnered to address the problem of sexual and other types of harassment and other exclusionary behaviors, such as bullying, discrimination and identity-based aggressions, that lead to hostile working and learning environments in the earth, space and environmental sciences with a four-year, $1.1 million grant from the National Science Foundation ADVANCE program. A primary goal of the project is to improve workplace climate conditions by developing bystander intervention education for department heads, chairs, faculty and grad students to appropriately respond to and prevent harassment, bullying and other exclusionary behaviors in research environments. Click here.
Additional Resources
Report of the Workshop to Promote Safety in Field Sciences (12 January, 2022)
University of Texas Institute for Geophysics Community Code of Conduct (November, 2021)